Thursday, March 15, 2012

Physical Therapy, Contractions and a Pre-Term Labor Test, Oh My!

Last week was quite the week……not in a good way.

Last Sunday I started getting Round Ligament Pain (You know…..that short and  sharp, stabbing pain if you suddenly change position or maybe after a very active day.  It’s that pain that starts from inside your groin, moving upward to the top of your hips.)  It felt like electric shocks for me and was caused by too much running around and carrying sick kids. 

The next day I started my physical therapy for the lower back pain I have been having since December.  Therapy was good and I felt positive that this was going to help relieve some pain if I kept at it.  So, I started the recommended stretches that week and by the end of the week I realized two things.  One, my back was feeling a bit better.  I wasn’t getting those horrible pains that made me feel like I would drop on the floor when I moved around.  Two, I started having Braxton Hicks contractions on and off throughout the week.  Then it lead to contractions that started as soon as I did the stretches and then waking up in the middle of the night with horrible cramps and an achy back that woke me out of a dead sleep a couple of times.  Of course, when I was doing the stretches and felt contractions I stopped doing them but that didn’t stop the contractions.  I know this was not good.

So, off to the doc I went.  They did a test for pre-term labor called  Fetal fibronectin.  I had no idea there was such a test that would tell you (if you are before 37 weeks of pregnancy) that you may go into labor in the next 48 hours.  So I am passing along some info here to you.  I have been lucky with my two previous pregnancies to have gone full term.  To quote the March of Dimes website about this test, “The fetal fibronectin (fFN) test measures the levels of fFN in secretions from a pregnant woman's vagina and cervix. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the fFN test may be useful for some pregnant women with symptoms of preterm labor  to help predict their risk of premature delivery.”  Then,  she checked my cervix for any dilation or softening and luckily that was none.  It was then decided that there was no need to send out for the results on the fFN test but the swab for that must be done before you check the cervix or it could have affected the results. 

My physical therapy moves are now modified so hopefully that will help things and keep contractions away.  When you have contractions this early you are asked if you have been drinking enough water because lack of water causes contractions.  My answer was, “that is impossible because all I do is drink water……ridiculous amounts of water.”  Which brings me to being tested a month earlier than usual for Gestational Diabetes.  (a sign of GD is extreme thirst)   And because I mentioned it MUST be ice water I drink…..lots and lots of ice, I am also being tested for anemia.  Apparently, when you are anemic you may crave ice.  I was anemic the 1st pregnancy so we shall see.

Interesting week for sure.  I learned a lot and am thankful to have baby nice and safe still. 

On a happier note than all of this, I SAW the baby moving in my belly last night.  I was watching TV and felt the baby really moving around and looked at my belly and could see her moving all about.  It was great and more entertaining that the show we were watching.  Such a sight! 

Here’s to a boring week to come. 

1 comment:

  1. A small move from the baby inside your womb can truly make a mother feel happy and safe. As for your RLP, aside from the exercises your physical therapist has given you, you can also try stretching by keeping your buttocks in the air and bowing down your head while your knees and hands are placed on the floor. Paracetamol and hot compress also help in easing RLP.

    Candy Rowe
