Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We Bloom

At the end of the day yesterday I was reading my all-time favorite blog, Enjoying the Small Things and found myself yet again inspired.  As I mentioned in an earlier post I am also reading the book "Bloom,"  by the same writer Kelle Hampton.
"Finding Beauty in the unexpected" is the basic theme that flows through the book and definitely strikes a chord with me.  Since the book was published she has had many Mother's write in with there stories about their experiences with the unexpected.  To view the whole post, click here. She goes on to explain that through  all of these stories "we relate in that we have shared hopes for the future,"  and that is exactly what I am trying to do here with my little blog everyday.  I may not have 18, 244 followers like her,  but I hope I am doing my part in the world, even if it is on smaller scale.  I strive to be a better person, do more, love more, learn more and this lady.......this Kelle Hampton......she keeps that inspiration going. She sure does have unicorn juice in her blood,  as so she always jokes.

There was a little challenge of sorts at the end of her post yesterday.  In 300 words or less she asked that we share our story.  Four stories would be picked and featured this weekend in her Mother's Day post and received a personalized, signed copy of the book.  I would be greatly honored to be picked,  but even if I don't just reading all these beautiful stories about overcoming an unexpected turn in life,  and how now their lives are forever changed for the better.........that is the real prize!

I decided to share with you my story.

 "When I was pregnant with my youngest I found out that I had a risk of her having Down Syndrome. I cried for 3 days and then something within me shifted. My husband and I decided against having the amniocentesis because the results would not change the fact that we were going to love her......extra chromosone or not. I researched about Down Syndrome and that same month Nella was born and I stumbled upon your blog. To say the least, it moved me. My daughter was not born with an extra chromosone but it she had been, it would have been OK. This changed me forever.....for the better. I am a more educated person about Down Syndrome, I sponser children through Reese's Rainbow, and I look at people with special needs and their families with great compassion and admiration.

Having 2 kids 21 months apart was wonderful BUT so much harder than I had thought. I was on the Mirena (iud) only a year when I got pregnant for the third time. Shock. Fear! Have you read about what can happen when you get pregnant on the Mirena? Scary stuff. Doctors tried removing the iud but it is embedded in my uterus. Today I am 30 weeks along and having a difficult pregnancy but trying everyday to learn the lessons that are before me. Besides having the complications from the iud, I have some other medical problems going on but everyday I am thankful. I am embracing this new path.....for myself, for my family, for this miracle.

I don't know what the future holds. Whatever it is, I hope I have the courage and optimism to keep walking the path and embrace every step."

Click on her blog (click on this link if you are new to it and read this amazing birth story, pick up her book, "Bloom" and it will change you.  I promise.

Thanks to every Mother out there in the world who has shared her story so that we can all learn and feel the unity of Motherhood.  Thanks Kelle and Nella.  Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Mama Nic


  1. You are certainly an inspiration to me. Beautiful post and entry, Nichole.

  2. The Mamas of the world hold each other up. You certainly do that for me.
