Wednesday, July 25, 2012

8 Things that Can be Learned in the 1st 3 hours of the Morning

Being a Mama of 3 is hard.  At least it is today.  I knew some things will get easier and I also know some days will definitely be harder than today.  It has only been 2 weeks since I earned the title "Mother of three" but I wanted to say that I hope I learn something everyday that will make this "job" more manageable. 

The say "There is no learning without emotion."  I must say I believe this is true.  Much emotion going on,  so hopefully much learning in this house too!

In 3 hours this morning I learned many lessons.  Here they are:

  1. Getting 3 kids dressed, fed and out the door takes a minimum of an hour and a half right now.  Plan an extra 15 minutes if you want to even think of doing anything with your hair or to put on makeup.
  2. A newborn will have a diaper blowout as soon as you put then in the carseat.  Plan for an extra 5-10 minutes to change and reload.
  3. Don't forget anything that you need.  This is almost impossible considering your mind is not as sharp on lack of sleep, hormonal changes and stress.  
  4. Forgetting something that your child needs for pre-school will require a trip from home to preschool, preschool to home, home to preschool, and preschool to home,  NOT fun for anyone and is a major time-suck.  Also, it is very hard on the ears.......lots of yelling and some crying involved too.  I am not saying who did what. 
  5. Don't, I repeat don't offer anything that you cannot guarantee to provide.  Example....offering pretzels and realizing that we don't have any left in the minivan makes for a big tantrum. 
  6. This brings me to this point.  Always stock the minivan with extra juice boxes and snacks.  This could have avoided the trips back and forth and back and forth this morning as well as the tantrum. 
  7. I CAN carry a baby in a car-seat on one arm and a kicking screaming toddler in the other.  I am not saying it is easy but it can be done if needed.
  8. Make sure you get a cup of coffee before all this will need any extra energy you can get!
Ok, Mamas of 3.  What words of wisdom, tips,  or stories can you share?

Wishing you all a tantrum-free day.  I hope it goes smoothly for you.

I smell poop.........I have to go change a diaper.....again.

Mama Nic

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